What is all this bullshit about? Why are the media so insistent on repeatedly telling us of the movements (bowel and otherwise) of so-called celebrities? And I use this term loosely. It seems that you only have to sneeze on some reality crap on TV to be called a Celeb these days - and here's my bag:
I don't care who's lost weight/smoking whilst pregnant/broke up with Brad/took their top off/had a meltdown - I don't. I DONT CARE whether TomKat had painkillers or not whilst giving birth. Surely there are others who don't too? I can't be the only voice? Shouldn't we require to have more to base our adulation on from people we look up to, more than having slept with a footballer or posed naked on a car bonnet or married a squillionaire movie star?
Isn't it disgusting that this is now what we are teaching our children? How about we teach them to aspire to winning a gold medal or sailing single-handedly around the world or composing a piece of music that speaks to a million people? To make their own way in life and stand or fall by the decisions we make along the way.....
....ok, rant over...time to switch off the TV and go and do something less boring instead!