Booked, directions in hand I set off in Reg TFP having glanced at the script (Autocue included in the package). When I arrived I met an old hat at the studio, who told me that this particular company were difficult to get the money out of. Great news at 7.30am before breakfast. A long day ensued finishing with voice over in a different studio.
However, my point is this: do our significant corporations really believe that this kind of script and approach towards customer services really works? You know the type: smiling presenter, bigging up the company whilst making the unfortunate employee absorb phrases such as: "The customer is the most important person and you must identify with them on an individual basis" (Paraphrased - actually said in 44 pages of script)
Wouldn't the world be a better place if these kind of videos were made tailored to the employee and without the corporate lingo? I've been considering this at length and feel sorry for the employee who's made to watch such editions. Wouldn't they love it if the presenter just told the truth? "The customer, usually a complete nut case, is important because we want them to spend their money with us - a pittance of which we will pay you, while we receive our faxes in the Bahamas?" or "Each customer is different but their money isn't!"
Unfortunatly this jobbing actor is too poor to make a stand- I took the money, smiled and ran!
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