Which beggars the question? Why do I get seen? The answer is....I've absolutely no bloody idea mate!
At string of recent auditions I've taken careful note of the ratio: brunette to blonde and found we're sadly not as frequent in the room containing the casting couch. Oh no... at the last one there were 2 of us brunettes to 12 blonde women. There can't be less of us per square mile than blondes can there? Or is it that the casting director uses me specifically as the token brunette? You know, the client really, in his heart of hearts, wants a blonde for his advert but in order to say that he has been given a good cross section, I'm invited along as the token brunette. Sophisticated, clever looking, all the brunette stereotypes fulfilled. And by the end of the casting, he knows he was right - blonde is definitely the way to go!
Or does it simply mean that the casting director or client can't make up their mind?
God. I wish I were blonde.