So once, a long while ago, at a casting far, far away, I was asked to strip to my underwear (which I was aware I would have to do) but then, in a church hall type place, I was asked to simulate/act an orgasm...
Yep! I was pretty shocked too. It was all above board and "arty film" type - serious subject about the sexuality of a woman in a wheelchair, but even so I was a little shocked at being so exposed and put on the spot.
Now let's be completely clear here, I'm not embarrassed by my body (ex showgirl), the older I get the more I feel I really should do some exercise soon but I still love being naked, I find it very liberating. However this was
not one of those occasions. When the caster said smilingly: "Right it's that time now....?" and I undressed to my undies faster than a fireman and sat down on the chair.
Then I had to do the orgasm bit... it was fine but very hard to concentrate. The reason being that I had massive sock rings around my ankles and I couldn't help but wonder if they would pick up an the directors little camera! (Yes fellow Outsiders I was being taped "purely for the audition process")
I closed my eyes to block out the sock rings. But then another random thought hit me and I nearly burst out laughing. The venue was a church hall type, the seat was a standard 1970 moulded plastic (and cold, actually, if you must know) and I couldn't help but think that a W.I. lady had sat there before me discussing cakes, knitting and the AGM! Little kiddies had sat on that chair eating jelly and ice cream at Tarquin's 5th birthday bash! Father Christmas had sat in that particular chair to deliver his naughty and nice list to the generations of children that hall had held! And there was me, frankly building quickly towards hysteria, whilst, at the same time, feeling like I needed to take a long shower!
Did I get the job: No.
Would I have taken the job: No!
Nowadays I wouldn't even have taken the audition!