Thursday, December 23, 2010

I'm An Information Giving Northerner In Soapland...

...and the sooner I accept that the better! No I'm not the actress with the dramatic speech castigating her soap husband! No I'm not the actress tearing anothers hair out over some wimpy bloke with money.

I really must learn that I'm the northern actress who gives information, you know like:

"the post office is on the right down there love," 
"the doctor will see you now Mrs. Sharples,"
"Oi, there's no point banging on that front door - they've gone away."

Case in point I went to an audition last week, braving the snow and ice to get there over the countrys' highest motorway to read for the part of a PC in an up and coming major storyline. This storyline is very shocking and needs to be handled truthfully and sensitively. It's a major scene I'm auditioning for, so I pick up my script expecting some thought to have gone into the lines that I am to say...

But no I'm the information giving northerner AGAIN. I obviously cannot quote these lines here yet for fear of recriminations but I assure you my fellow outsiders that sometimes information giving sucks and this actress is longing to be the one that shows emotion to another actresses I.G!!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

A very merry yuletide to you all!

Yes, it's true I've been away for quite a while, unfortunately not working but having some family problems that have needed my full attention. ButI'm going to start my blog again so Merry Christmas to you all!

Wednesday, August 04, 2010


...the ashes of the Corrie cat (in the credits), Frisky, sold recently for £844.

Proving once again how people will buy any old crap if it's been on a soap. I mean seriously, what do you do with them once you've got them home?

And let's take a moment to think about Frisky's owners who sold the ashes... don't you think that's a little exploitative? When my cats die I wouldn't part with the ashes as they are a much beloved pet.

What's next? One of Jack Duckworth's pigeon breasts? Or a genuine slug from one of Roy's Rolls?

Get a grip people!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Corrie Cull

There's to be a cull on Corrie....

....poor actors! Proving once again that when new producers arrive no character is safe!

I guess it must be very hard for the actor or actress with their feet firmly under the Formica Coronation Street  table? With their mortgage for large house in Cheshire / posh car / kids in private schools / lifestyle of being able to go into any shop and buy what they want without thinking about it / admittance to any posh club or restaurant or bar of their choosing / magazine spreads. To have all of this ripped away from them just by a change of management at the top of the food chain....

Almost makes one feel sorry for them....
WAIT, I said almost!


The curtain has come down on the challenging piece of theatre I've been doing for the past 6 weeks. I've enjoyed it immensely and we've had some excellent reviews too. Being up on stage again after such a long absence was an exhilarating experience and one that I'm keen to repeat as soon as possible.

I'm now looking for a more mainstream piece of theatre to sink my teeth into, to dream of as I polish up my latest audition piece for my new acting class tomorrow. I feel very confident about what the future holds, especially as I know that I really want to do this again! No more hiding in my little village waiting for the phone to ring and for it to be the smiling agent! No this actress outside London is going to get her butt into gear and get some work sorted out. I now know again that I have a talent, I just need to find a way to share it with the world!

Watch this space, or even this blog!

Monday, July 19, 2010


I've got an audition for a big west-end/no.1 tour musical on Weds. I've not sung in about a year or so, got tomorrow to learn a song and a piece. Keep your fingers crossed for me, I'm very excited!

They'd be lucky to get me in their show, just got to keep reminding myself until I believe it too!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Play Is Now Open!

So the play I'm doing is now up and running and I've got a few days off to recover before the next bit of touring! Naturally as this is an anonymous blog I can't tell you when or when but rest assured it's a quality piece.

It's been a great experience so far, bloody hard work but I've met some lovely people. Nobody is too luvvie and, at the moment, any niggles within the group of actors is being handled very diplomatically. I'm pleased because when I signed up to do this play I was dreading the possibility of working with some awful people! I'm really enjoying being back on the stage and doing character work. So much of the jobs I've done have no real development of character, in TV there is never any time to explore or even discuss how to play it. Film does allow more time but hasn't given me the opportunity to shine yet!

However theatre is the place to develop these skills and I'm realising that I've left it far too long. Let's hope that some caster or director will see me in this and recognise my talent and give me another opportunity because I'm loving this experience and I want to do it again soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where is the Talent?

Katie Price and Alex Reid got "blessed" this recently to maximum publicity and an ITV deal worth so much money (plus a free 5 star Thai honeymoon with three camera crews on board - how romantic?)

It got me thinking, just what exactly is the talent of Mrs. Reid? What does she do? She has an empire of business assets, clearly some good advisors, but what exactly is this talent that she sells herself on?

Ask any young girl and she'll name Katie Price as a role model but why? Why was she awarded Mum of the year? Mum of the year to a woman who constantly parades her children in front of the media? REALLY?

So she shoots a good sex photo, that is a talent (but the press will take photos of any semi naked, big breasted woman) and she hasn't done that for a long while. She publishes adult and children's books in her name that she doesn't write! 23 books so far: 17 for children, 3 novels and 3 volumes of her autobiography. YES 3 VOLUMES! She has an equestrian clothing range (in pink), a crying baby doll (probably in pink), 2 perfumes, a new single out (give it up Katie you can't sing!) and, according to one source, has recently signed a multimillion pound deal to front shows on Virgin media.

It seems to me that Mrs Reid has made a living purely on her celebrity. The word celebrity means to be widely honoured and acclaimed, however it seems to me a sad time we live in when we apply this to someone with no talent to talk of except for manipulation? Surely we should celebrate people that save lives, climb mountains, sail single handedly around our globe, sing beautifully, paint inspiration, act in something that changes the world? Surely those kind of people should be our role models? Shouldn't they?

There was a fly in my room last night that repeatedly woke me up with it's constant need for attention. I'm thinking of calling it Katie Price!

Friday, July 02, 2010

The Producers Of No Imagination Award Goes To...

...Calendar Girls!

I'm in the car with Joan going to rehearsals having our usual morning moan about the industry when she tells me that WEATHERGIRL Sian Lloyd is to play Celia in Calendar Girls....  Good job she was driving as I think I would've crashed the car! How does a weathergirl get cast as an actress? What is wrong with these producers? Can they not find a proper actress or do they just don't care anymore? Anyone will do?

As you can tell I'm a little riled up! I found the interview online (see link) where the undeniably lovely Sian was quoted  as saying: "I'm sure I will be nervous, but sometimes in life you have to push yourself." Which is all very well Sian but if I were you I'd be more worried about how you are going to make it through a 2 hour play than taking your kit off. Stripping is easy, untrained acting is not. Now i'm not denying that presenting the weather is a difficult task, but it's hardly preparation for a full length play is it?

The original west end cast for Calendar Girls was a great cast full of classy British actresses. So Mr Producer just how do you get from Patricia Hodge to Charlie Dimmock? As it seems that England has run out of decent actresses (it must have done if we're converting presenters and general "names") I thought I'd add some suggestions to the producers of my own (I expect some have already been approached), Outsiders feel free to add your own:

  1. Charlie Dimmock (already booked?...moving on)
  2. Tessa Sanderson
  3. Natasha Kaplinski
  4. Jennie Bond
  5. Edwina Curry
  6. Gabby Logan
  7. Paula Radcliffe
  8. Christine Hamilton
Mind you the online cast list for Calendar Girls already reads like a guest list for the daytime, utter tripe that is Loose Women - so don't get me started on that! I mean really, Jennifer Ellison????? In the W.I.?????? REALLY??????? Give me a break!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Definition Of The Lesser Spotted Luvvie.

...I'd rather rip my own arm off and hit myself with the soggy end than spend any time at all with that peculiar breed of act-tor called the Luvvie.

Luvvies are the type of actors that talk loudly, even at funerals, in a booming voice and wait for people's heads to turn. They constantly prattle on about roles that they've done and clang continuously about famous celebrities that they've worked with, calling them by shortened, irritating pet names like "Larry"or "Ed" or "Tula." They have an annoying habit of, when finding out they are talking to another actor/tress, immediately asking: "So what are you working on now then?" in a condescending manner and then they intensely pretend to listen to your answer. They have a propensity to stand as if posing for a Spotlight portrait. They use words like fabulous, super, fellow thespians and darling (with a drawn out rrrrrr). The males, more often than not have facial hair, have played Prospero or Lear (without any great depth of character probing) and like to drink Marks & Spencer Port "for the voice you know!"

The female of the Luvvie is usually adorned with some sort of shawl and floppy hat. She likes to hug people and air kiss them as many as 3 times whilst saying: "So good to see you again, so lovely to be back." This lets you instantly know that you are on her turf, she will smile patronisingly whilst offering to show you round and be your mentor, she means it kindly but also enjoys that level of control. She's a huge fan of the enviroment and herbal tea and will probably try to convert you. She will definitely mention "drinkies" after rehearsals but be aware that she may exclude the ordinary actress, such as myself, in favour of someone of comparable lovvieness. Do not be offended at this, you're much better off, they are easily affected by alcohol and then really revert to Luvvie type!

Do post if you spot one as they can be (wishful thinking) quite rare these days.


So once, a long while ago, at a casting far, far away, I was asked to strip to my underwear (which I was aware I would have to do) but then, in a church hall type place, I was asked to simulate/act an orgasm...

Yep! I was pretty shocked too. It was all above board and "arty film" type - serious subject about the sexuality of a woman in a wheelchair, but even so I was a little shocked at being so exposed and put on the spot.

Now let's be completely clear here, I'm not embarrassed by my body (ex showgirl), the older I get the more I feel I really should do some exercise soon but I still love being naked, I find it very liberating. However this was not one of those occasions. When the caster said smilingly: "Right it's that time now....?" and I undressed to my undies faster than a fireman and sat down on the chair.

Then I had to do the orgasm bit... it was fine but very hard to concentrate. The reason being that I had massive sock rings around my ankles and I couldn't help but wonder if they would pick up an the directors little camera! (Yes fellow Outsiders I was being taped "purely for the audition process")

I closed my eyes to block out the sock rings. But then another random thought hit me and I nearly burst out laughing. The venue was a church hall type, the seat was a standard 1970 moulded plastic (and cold, actually, if you must know) and I couldn't help but think that a W.I. lady had sat there before me discussing cakes, knitting and the AGM! Little kiddies had sat on that chair eating jelly and ice cream at Tarquin's 5th birthday bash! Father Christmas had sat in that particular chair to deliver his naughty and nice list to the generations of children that hall had held! And there was me, frankly building quickly towards hysteria, whilst, at the same time, feeling like I needed to take a long shower!

Did I get the job: No.
Would I have taken the job: No!

Nowadays I wouldn't even have taken the audition!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So Roger Moore thinks that you now need a regional accent to make it in this industry? Purely as his daughter has been turned down for work because she talks proper unlike what I does! This is absolute rubbish....

R.P. (The posh way of actors talking the Queen's English with no trace of accent) is something that all actors have to learn and should be able to turn on and off like a tap. However a regional accent is entirely different and certainly has never helped or hindered me to get a job. I understand that this will probably be the case with voice over work (Channel 4 loves the Geordie accent above all else), regional accents are important - especially if they are native. On my CV I have a broad selection of accents and yes I've worked.

But my point is this: this industry works on who you know and that's the only way you get jobs. TRUTH! So it seems to me that if she can't get work, even with her Dad being Roger Moore (and his numerous connections and wad of cash) then it's got to be more to do with her acting or knowledge than her lack of regional accent. And if she truly believes that is then case the stop being so lazy and learn some!

Simple don't you think!

(PS: Also Roger's made his career from his posh RP accent so he shouldn't mind if the pendulum is swinging slightly the other way should he?)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Tall Tales Of Distinction Part One

Speaking of tall birds....

This figurehead must be one of my favourites, a shining example to me of how to play on being tall (and for your information she's actually taller than me (if you believe the height on my CV)! Allison Janney is a huge source of hope for this beanpole amongst the acting industry. She's not only a terrific actress (The West Wing, The Hours, Juno etc) but she's bloody funny in real life as well!

Her quote that made me laugh the most was:

"An agent said to me he didn't know what to do with me, I wouldn't be able to play any parts but lesbians and aliens."

Bet he's kicking himself now huh? As this Emmy award winning actress strides away, laughing all the way to the bank and the Oscars!!!!

So when I finally grow into my face and some caster/director/producer remembers that some people in this world are over 5'6'' and begin to reflect that in their casting I should be quids in...

Lets hope it's sooner rather than later!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


So I'm doing this theatre festival, which is great fun of course. My character is a woman with, shall we say, manly characteristics....

I'm sensing a pattern here, it's not the first time. Now, I'm a tall actress, that's for sure but does that mean I'm forever destined to play women playing men, lesbians or actual men? It's definitely a skill I can do but sometimes I do long for the girly, the cute, the feminine, the sexy. You know the type of part where I get to wear sexy clothes and cross my legs when I sit down!

Maybe I'll grow into it one day!

For those of you who know me I have a confession... I lie on my CV and tell directors that I'm 5'9", I think I'm more like 5'11" but what's a couple of inches between friends. Speaking of which I actually have two friends, Ruth & Steph, who are a very similar height to me so why doesn't this acting business reflect that women are taller nowadays and stop asking me to play men? It's a legitimate question don't you think?

Anyway back to thinking with my penis and sitting with my legs astride!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Just how far away is the damn poverty line?

Apparently I'm supposed to earn £115.00 a week as a single adult with no children - this would put me directly on the poverty line......

I wish I earnt that much!!!!! I do have my other job, you know the one where I chat to customers and pour pints like all good actors do from time to time but that's minimum wage and not many hours a week. even if you average out my income and factor in my acting work I'm still way below the official poverty line.

How do I do it? How do I survive? Ahhhhh yes... a truly great Man and my lovely Mum. They are the reason that I don't starve and I don't sleep in a cardboard box...that's right. That and the fact that I don't buy anything EVER. Not even a happy meal - (do you really get happy when you eat one? If Ronald McDonald looked at me in that tone of voice I'm pretty sure I'd want to rip his ears off?)

New actors take note: it's tough up north but I think I'd be even further away from the poverty line if I lived in London.

Surely I'll hit that elusive poverty line soon? Maybe if I'm a good girl, I can save up and buy a ladder?


So I loved the Twilght books so much that I read the saga four times last year. But these films.....

With the release of Eclipse - the third film (which to be fair I haven't seen and probably won't) reminds me to discuss the dire acting, drippy scripts and generally awful casting!

This story is a great story full of passion and strength and it makes me mad to see these young actors (exception Taylor Lautner) talking breathily in the direction that great acting means dropping your voice and whispering to each other! It's about as passionate as a rice pudding. They seriously have as much talent as the man who chops wood on Britian's Got Talent. Despite the obscene amount of money spent on these films: sets, costume, special effects: they are such a disappointment and I can't believe the numbers of young girls that camped out for 4 days to stand outside the premier of Eclipse in USA. What's that all about?

If you watch the films you'll see what I mean.

That is if you can keep your eyes open long enough!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Okay so we won, yeah......

Take back all I said, perhaps we can win the next match please Mr. Rooney, Mr. Lampard, Mr Gerrard? Although man of the match was definitely Milner. Anyone else notice the influence of Mr. Beckham in that?????

And May I just add...

...that I'd much rather be in rehearsals working hard and having fun than watching a bunch of overpaid, under-mannered, wimpy, diving, cheating, desperate, un-inspiring, spitting, bad role-models get knocked out of the World cup.

Just thought I'd mention it...

Not A Thigh Slap In Sight

So I'm going to be in a play! Yep this TV actress is going to dare to perform live and not in some panto in the wilds of Cumbria...

It's very exciting actually, a physical piece, demanding, exhausting and (although I'm only 2 rehearsals in) I find I'm laughing more than I have for ages.

I'd forgotten what it was like to bond with a company of actors. "One doesn't do that in La Television, darrrling, one is an island!" It's going to be good I can feel it in my water.

The play is a new piece by Ian Moore (hereafter known as The Boss) called The Inconsistent Whisper Of Insanity.  As this is an anonymous blog that's more information than I should have told you, I feel slightly sweaty now! What the hell we need bums on seats! character is a tall, Russian woman. Nice? That sounds glamourous doesn't it? WRONG!

Firstly think Soviet Union not Russia. Are you loosing sight of those beautiful blonde girls that marry English men yet? Now imagine a concrete tower block and lots of potato soup! See those pretty girls are a distance away now aren't they?

My character, let's call her Svetlana, is more your shotputter than your table dancer. She' (in my head) is quite large and slightly obnoxious! Sounds good so far right?

Where did I put those steroids??????

Monday, January 11, 2010

Don't move those hallowed cobbles!


Well I mean't it so there! Think I need to sit down now...  

The powers that be at Granada are planning to possibly move the hallowed cobbles of the sacred street to some "state of the art" location in Salford Quays! Yuk! Yes they're threatening to move Coronation Street... 

Having trodden those cobbles myself, part of the charm of working on The Street is the fact that it's in Manchester city center, in the midst of Granada Television. It's part of the atmosphere and charm of the show, with it's offices around the set and funny dead ends that have secret doors back to the green room or wardrobe. I really do think that if you move Corrie away from it's current home it will become like all the other soaps and loose the charm that makes it Britian's oldest and most beloved TV soap. 

I'm all in favour of change by the way, nobody could accuse me of being stuck in the past and I do recognise the need to keep up to date of modern tech and practises. However, does Corrie work as it is? Yes! Is it entertaining? YES! Does it have a legion of die hard fans across the world? HELL YES! Well there you go - if it's not broke don't fix it please.