Wednesday, August 04, 2010


...the ashes of the Corrie cat (in the credits), Frisky, sold recently for £844.

Proving once again how people will buy any old crap if it's been on a soap. I mean seriously, what do you do with them once you've got them home?

And let's take a moment to think about Frisky's owners who sold the ashes... don't you think that's a little exploitative? When my cats die I wouldn't part with the ashes as they are a much beloved pet.

What's next? One of Jack Duckworth's pigeon breasts? Or a genuine slug from one of Roy's Rolls?

Get a grip people!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Corrie Cull

There's to be a cull on Corrie....

....poor actors! Proving once again that when new producers arrive no character is safe!

I guess it must be very hard for the actor or actress with their feet firmly under the Formica Coronation Street  table? With their mortgage for large house in Cheshire / posh car / kids in private schools / lifestyle of being able to go into any shop and buy what they want without thinking about it / admittance to any posh club or restaurant or bar of their choosing / magazine spreads. To have all of this ripped away from them just by a change of management at the top of the food chain....

Almost makes one feel sorry for them....
WAIT, I said almost!


The curtain has come down on the challenging piece of theatre I've been doing for the past 6 weeks. I've enjoyed it immensely and we've had some excellent reviews too. Being up on stage again after such a long absence was an exhilarating experience and one that I'm keen to repeat as soon as possible.

I'm now looking for a more mainstream piece of theatre to sink my teeth into, to dream of as I polish up my latest audition piece for my new acting class tomorrow. I feel very confident about what the future holds, especially as I know that I really want to do this again! No more hiding in my little village waiting for the phone to ring and for it to be the smiling agent! No this actress outside London is going to get her butt into gear and get some work sorted out. I now know again that I have a talent, I just need to find a way to share it with the world!

Watch this space, or even this blog!