Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So Roger Moore thinks that you now need a regional accent to make it in this industry? Purely as his daughter has been turned down for work because she talks proper unlike what I does! This is absolute rubbish....

R.P. (The posh way of actors talking the Queen's English with no trace of accent) is something that all actors have to learn and should be able to turn on and off like a tap. However a regional accent is entirely different and certainly has never helped or hindered me to get a job. I understand that this will probably be the case with voice over work (Channel 4 loves the Geordie accent above all else), regional accents are important - especially if they are native. On my CV I have a broad selection of accents and yes I've worked.

But my point is this: this industry works on who you know and that's the only way you get jobs. TRUTH! So it seems to me that if she can't get work, even with her Dad being Roger Moore (and his numerous connections and wad of cash) then it's got to be more to do with her acting or knowledge than her lack of regional accent. And if she truly believes that is then case the stop being so lazy and learn some!

Simple don't you think!

(PS: Also Roger's made his career from his posh RP accent so he shouldn't mind if the pendulum is swinging slightly the other way should he?)

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